Many of the great founders of yoga were male;
However, nowadays even though change is occurring many classes seem to be made up almost entirely of females.
We want to break any stigma of men practising yoga & provide everyone with a space in which they feel comfortable.
Yoga truly is for all.
Numerous famous male athletes, sports professionals have credited yoga with keeping them fit & ready through years of tough training & reaching further in todays society that is now stretching to business men too!!
A concern amongst many men is that their bodies will not be suited to the yoga poses due to their lack of flexibility. (We’ll get to the ego bit later!!) However, flexibility is not a prerequisite for yoga! The joy of the practice is the options available within each pose.
There will always be a way to tailor postures & movement to suit your body, strength & flexibility whilst still attaining the same benefits as everybody else.
Like many things it is no surprise that each pose will get easier with regular practice. Yoga will inevitably improve your flexibility over time but there are many more benefits to be gained from the practice (mental, physical & further on). It will also build muscle strength & resilience, burn calories & improve your general fitness & wellbeing.
Join us at The Bay for our Tuesday evening mens only classes with stuart.
Enhance your health, other hobbies, sports & lifestyle & find balance & stillness within.
Find next course dates & spaces available here