Rest and Restore January Reset
Let’s press pause and reset.
With a beautiful mix of calming yin yoga, soothing pranayama and deeply restful Yoga Nidra you will take your mind from frazzled to free.
As nature withdraws inwards to restore and get ready for Spring, we too are being called to withdraw. However, this time of year generally doesn’t give space for our natural instincts to be able to follow suit.
So let’s take this time back. Join Emily to journey inwards, to slow down, to retreat and rest.
By calming and soothing the nervous system, through intentional breathwork and releasing tension deeply with yin, you will be able to reset your system and return to regulation and inner balance.
Emily will then guide you through a deep relaxation called Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep), where your mind will be able to rest. It is said that just 20 minutes of yoga nidra is the equivalent of getting a whole night of quality sleep. Just imagine how refreshed you’ll feel by the end of the workshop.
Prepare your mind and body to come back to reality feeling revitalised by grounding your energy with tasty treats and cacao.