In this course we break down the elements of movement, strength, flexibility & balance
Each week we focus on a different element creating awareness & building a developing practice.
Find freedom in movement by combining elements of Mobility training, Functional Range Conditioning & Calisthenics
You will come away with a new understanding of how YOUR body moves & feel your ability develop.
Along side our weekly practice you will be given short exercises you can do at home that will help you progress the following week.
4 week movement course
What to expect
Week 1
Focus on the spinal wave
general spinal flexibility. Shoulder mobility. Squat. Cat cow
Isolated spinal waves (partner work)
Segmented spinal waves at the wall.
Shoulder circles
Plank protraction/ retraction. Extension/ depression Shoulder squares
Kneeling shoulder waves
Squat mobility
Internal/ external hip rotation Ankle dorsi-flexion lunge Squat- hip abduction
Roll- squat
Home play: Roll down to squat Shoulder squares Segmented spinal waves
Week 2
Warm up
Spinal waves Shoulder mobility squat mobility
plank/ down dog flow lunge/ squat/ pyramid flow hanging shrugs
focus on the squat
squat mobility work
home play: plank/ down dog flow lunge/ squat/ pyramid flow
Week 3
warm up
plank/ down dog flow lunge/ squat/ pyramid flow hanging
hand/forearm strength/flexibility side squat- forward fold flow shoulder flexibility flow
focus on the hang
hanging shrugs (bands)
home play: hand/forearm strength/flexibility side squat- forward fold flow shoulder flexibility flow
Warm up
hand/forearm strength/flexibility side squat- forward fold flow shoulder flexibility flow
foot/ toe warmup
connecting to feet
understanding balance and connection to feet
balance static balance flow
focus on balance
home play: balance static balance flow