Working through physical & emotional aspects of connecting to your truth through the lover male archetype!
Within this powerful masterclass you will explore what it means to embody your inner magician through physical & emotional practices
As a man, society tells us to be hard but not too hard, emotionally strong - yet open, vulnerable but not weak, alpha but stay in line. The lines are blurred.
I aim to show you that vulnerability is strength, being open is strong, connecting to your true self & how this will help you show up as a man.
We will be getting clear on your values, morals, wants and needs from yourself and others.
Alongside your fellow brother, in this space you are asked to be nothing else other than your authentic self, show up for no one other than yourself. In doing this I can promise you will learn to hold yourself and the people in your kingdom. Learning to know yourself first breeds the ground work for all surrounding relationships in your life.
Ready to embark on a deeper dive in to your true self?